Julie Basello

Julie Basello is a Marketing Specialist, responsible for Photography, Videography and Social Media for Radwell International. She also writes, edits and curates Radical Automation, Radwell International's blog.


Stress Is A Four Letter Word

Stress is inevitable and everyone experiences stress at one point or another. Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain caused by adverse circumstances. What are some tips to managing stress effectively?

In a recent chat for USA Manufacturing Hour on Twitter, host Professor Pete Alexander  from Washington led an online discussion about ways to manage both physical and mental stress.

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Website Design for Manufacturers

Websites are important for any business. There are so many factors that go into a successful website that, at times, manufacturers struggle with creating one. In a recent chat for USA Manufacturing Hour on Twitter, Chris Giglio, Marketing Manager at Rovere Media in New Jersey, led a discussion about this topic with a focus on guidance through the journey of building a successful website for a business.

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What Are the Top Three Challenges in Manufacturing?

Manufacturing is an industry that is filled with successes, with massive potential and of course, with challenges. Because everything in manufacturing is interconnected, it is critically important to streamline as many processes as possible and push for efficiency to help things run smoothly. In this article, we are going to discuss three of the top challenges faced by manufacturers in a post-pandemic landscape.

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Why Manufacturing Matters: A Chance to Tell Your Story

In a departure from the regular format of chats for USA Manufacturing Hour on Twitter, Ben Nordman from Obsidian Manufacturing in Illinois decided to format a chat as a way for participants to share snippets about their experiences working in the manufacturing industry.

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Corporate Culture: Perks That Work

Many companies have perks as part of their corporate culture. Are perks effective for employee morale? In a recent chat for USA Manufacturing Hour on Twitter, host Kelley Plats from North American Coating Laboratories in Ohio hosted a discussion about perks that work in a corporate environment.

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Proper Packaging Purchasing Protocols For Today’s Climate

Packaging materials and equipment are often taken for granted but can be mission-critical items for busy manufacturing and distribution operations. What are some of the important considerations to think about when purchasing packaging materials and equipment?

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Business Valuation Fundamentals

Determining the value of a business can be complicated. There are many way to value a business. It depends upon type of business as well as many other factors. Specifically how is business value determined? In a recent chat for USA Manufacturing Hour on Twitter, host Damon Pistulka, a business valuation expert from Exit Your Way in Washington led a valuable discussion about business valuation fundamentals.

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Entrepreneurial Thinking

Entrepreneurial thinking is thinking outside-the-box to bring improvements or solve problems. It is the ability to recognize opportunities and discover the best way to capitalize on them.

People who think in an entrepreneurial way see things differently. This is not always inherent. In fact, many who think in this way have developed their skills over time.

In a recent chat for USA Manufacturing Hour on Twitter, host Erin Courtenay from Earthling Interactive in Wisconsin led a discussion about entrepreneurial thinking in manufacturing.

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Can Wearable Technology Improve Efficiency?

Wearable technology has exploded over the past few years.

From fitness trackers to smartwatches, we’ve seen the rise of new wearable electronic devices that allow us to do amazing things in our life and the workplace.

Wearable applications, however, aren’t just limited to health applications anymore.

Manufacturers are now using these devices to make their operations more efficient. This means that manufacturers can get a lot more information from their factories without having to send someone down every time something goes awry.

In this article, we are going to look out how wearable technology is revolutionizing the workplace, examples and its benefits.

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Tips for Navigating a Manufacturing Rebrand

Rebranding is complicated. Because manufacturing has many layers, with longer lead times and larger inventories to manage, there are a lot more things to consider when planning and executing a rebrand.

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