Julie Basello

Julie Basello is a Marketing Specialist, responsible for Photography, Videography and Social Media for Radwell International. She also writes, edits and curates Radical Automation, Radwell International's blog.


Obsolescence Management: Journey to Sustainability in Manufacturing

Equipment deteriorates and parts break. In fact, according to Wikipedia:

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Uncovering Money Leaks for Manufacturers

What are money leaks and how are they affecting the profitability of your operation?

Money leaks are small ways that business expenditures are wasted. These leaks cause unnecessary profit loss and require an organization to generate more revenue to compensate. In a recent chat for USA Manufacturing Hour on Twitter, host Adam Baker from Schooley Mitchell in Pennsylvania led a discussion about ways to eliminate money leaks and increase profitability.

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Customer Journey Mapping: How To Orchestrate An Amazing Customer Experience

Customer Journey Mapping is an ongoing process of mapping the steps a customer goes through in their interaction with a company. This process creates a visualization that looks like a map and includes the needs of a customer throughout the entire process with the hope of improving customer experience. In a recent Twitter chat for USA Manufacturing Hour, participants discussed this very topic, led by host, Nicole Donnelly of Donnelly Marketing Group in Virginia.

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Why Cybersecurity Is More Important Than Ever for Manufacturers

As technology continues to advance, and globalization increases, manufacturers must be prepared for cybersecurity breaches daily. The gaps in security have changed dramatically in recent years with the proliferation of mobile devices, cloud-based services, cybercrime, and more.

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Leadership & DEI in the Manufacturing Sector

People need to be talking about diversity and leaders need the appropriate skills to insure diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. Having a DEI plan for an organization has to be developed as something that is both solid and sustainable and avoids common mistakes that are often made.

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Packaging and Sustainability

Even before the big focus on the environment, it was common for the packaging industry to get a bad rap. Using non-recyclable materials, using too many materials or using single use plastics all have a negative effect on the environment and presented the packaging industry in an unflattering light.

Packaging is so prevalent in everyday life in today’s world that it has put the focus on sustainable packaging. But what makes packaging sustainable? In a recent chat for USA Manufacturing Hour on Twitter, Nathan Dube of Industrial Packaging in Massachussetts led a discussion about sustainable packaging.

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Four Reasons Manufacturers Need A Responsive Website

There was a time when most websites weren’t created with mobile device accessibility in mind, which meant folks who did mobile searches viewed them from phones had to wade through lots of scrolling or tapping around to read text elements and navigate menus.

However, the internet use and search landscape has changed rapidly as the development of technology is becoming more and more advanced.

With the rise of mobile devices, the web has become more important than ever before. People are accessing the internet on their smartphones and tablets at an increasing rate. They use it to purchase a product, read a blog or look for a service.

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How PR Can Support Business Objectives

Can Public Relations support business objectives? That is the question that was answered in a recent chat for USA Manufacturing Hour on Twitter. Host, Dana Engelbert, a freelance PR and content developer focused on small- to medium-sized businesses led a discussion about how PR can not only support but also enhance business objectives.

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Overcoming Hiring Challenges

It’s a tough time for hiring and retaining employees. So many factors contribute to this but at the end of the day, positions need to be filled and it has been a struggle for a lot of employers to keep up with turnover and an ever present need to find the right candidates. In a recent Twitter chat for USA Manufacturing Hour, participants discussed this very topic, led by host, Tami Matthews and Ruth Johnson from Lane Supply in Colorado.

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Robotics and Humans: Manufacturing Safety Practices on the Plant Floor

Using robots in manufacturing has grown exponentially over the last few years, with many manufacturers now using them to perform tasks that were previously done by human workers. The introduction of these robotic applications into the workplace presents unique safety challenges for both employers and employees.

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