How to Respond to A Cyber Attack

Along with the rapid growth of technology, comes the growth of cyber attacks. This is an issue that the manufacturing industry, along with many others, have been facing. Manufacturing is becoming more technology based by the day. Keeping up with the knowledge of cyber security and attacks is crucial.

It is important for companies to acknowledge the possibility of a cyber attack, have strategies of prevention, and have a plan in case they are affected by an attack. Taking the proper steps in a timely manner can save a manufacturing company from finding themselves in a devastating situation.

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Strengthening Alignment by Defined Roles in Marketing and Sales

Defining roles in Marketing and Sales is very important to the success of a business strategy. Without clearly defined roles, Marketing and Sales can work against each other instead of forming a strong alliance that benefits a business.

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Tips for Manufacturing Day

Manufacturing Day is a celebration of all things manufacturing.  It is a way to highlight what your companies do to spread the word to your community, potential customers, and the next generation workforce.

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How Automated Guide Vehicles Can Help Your Warehouse Operation

Keeping up with the latest technology is beneficial when operating a warehouse. Automation is rapidly improving, and making investments in the new technology will benefit a warehouse’s efficiency and productivity. Automated Guided Vehicles are tools that can be utilized by warehouses to maximize work efficiency.

What is an automated guide vehicle?

Automated guide vehicles, also called AGV’s, are computer-controlled transport systems. These systems are controlled by computer programming, floor markers, cameras, sensors or a combination of these. They don’t require any type of human control; they are able to run completely independently. They are commonly used throughout warehouse and manufacturing facilities in order to streamline operations.

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Returning to Work: Ways to Improve Workplace Reconnection and Safety

After allowing employees to work from home due to COVID-19 global pandemic safety concerns, many employers are now asking employees to return to the office. Some companies are adopting a hybrid approach while others are asking everyone to work back in an office environment full time. For many,  this is a massive adjustment. From integrating back into an office with co-workers to safety concerns, many employees are concerned about a return back to the office.

Felix Nater, the head of Nater Associates in North Carolina, led a discussion for USA Manufacturing Hour Chat on Twitter, discussing some of the ways to improve safety and workplace reconnection. Nater is the head of Nater Associates, an independent security management consulting firm that mentors leaders & trains workforces on how best to mitigate the threat of workplace violence, and the employer against the threat of civil liability through high-level advice; assistance. More information about the firm is available at

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Blogging for Sales and Brand Awareness

When it comes to building sales and brand awareness, blogging is a great way to strengthen and promote a brand as well as drive sales and increase website traffic. Neil Hussey of Denco Lubrication Ltd in the UK led a discussion for USA Manufacturing Hour Chat on Twitter about the benefits of blogging for businesses.

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The History of AI in Manufacturing

What is AI?

AI, or artificial intelligence, is a science of programming computers to have the ability to make human decisions. AI basically simulates human intelligence. It can be used in a wide range of scenarios. The manufacturing industry uses AI to help with productivity and it can be used on tasks as small as talking to Siri on an iPhone.

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College v. Trade School: Considering Manufacturing as a Career Path

Following High School graduation, students are faced with the big question of what they are going to do with their lives. At this age, some know, and others are left in an abyss of confusion. High schools will often promote college to students, but that is not their only option. A career in manufacturing is an option full of potential. Opting for manufacturing trade school instead of college can lead to a stable career in manufacturing.

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Choosing the Right Quality Certification in Manufacturing

In the manufacturing industry, quality certifications can help drive a company to success. These certifications give a company reputability for manufacturing standards. Quality certifications matter in manufacturing both to the company and the customer. From a company standpoint, certifications help with quality and service, annual and independent audits, review and testing capabilities, reliability of production and delivery, safety, and error minimization. In short, it forces the company to stay in line with operational and quality standards. It is easy to see how manufacturing certifications are beneficial to a customer. With a certification, a customer can easily rely on the fact that a certified company is trustworthy and keeping up with industry standards.

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Why Quality Certifications Matter in Manufacturing

In manufacturing, quality products and services make a difference in the level of success a company can experience. For many manufacturing operations, seeking out a quality certification is a way to not only hold themselves to a quality standard but also to let their customers know about the quality level at which they operate. There are many reasons why quality certifications matter to manufacturers.

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