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Benefits of Advocating for Manufacturing: How to Make An Impact

It’s been said that manufacturing is the cornerstone of America. In these trying times, manufacturing has been a constant amid a chaotic economic storm. Because manufacturing is an important part of economic wellbeing, there are many benefits to advocating for it. In a recent USA Manufacturing Hour Twitter chat, host, Michael Womack from NJMEP in New Jersey, led a discussion about the benefits of advocating for manufacturing and how to make an impact.

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Disaster Recovery Planning for Businesses

Is a disaster recovery plan an important part of business operations? In today’s ever-changing world, any number of disasters could potentially impact a business as well as the employees who rely on that business to earn a living. When unexpected disaster strikes, understanding strategies for how and why to implement a disaster recovery plan could save a business from extended periods of downtime, negatively impacted profitability, and struggling employees.

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Supply Chain Risk Management:  Five Strategies for Manufacturers

Supply chains are an intricate structure. There are many critical factors that go into a successful supply chain. Due to this, risks run high. In the event that one area runs into an issue, there are ramifications for the entire supply chain. The possibility of challenges is more likely than one might think. Problems can stem out of anything from machine down situations, to cyber attacks, to unforeseen weather patterns. Strategizing, and having proactive solutions will help in the case of a disruption.

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility, sometimes referred to as CSR or Corporate Citizenship, is a business model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. Corporations self-regulate this business model and by practicing corporate social responsibility, companies can have a positive impact on their community, their employees and their stakeholders. Ben Nordman from Obsidian Manufacturing in Illinois led a discussion for USA Manufacturing Hour Chat on Twitter about Corporate Social responsibility and how it can have an impact.

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Six Pain Points for Manufacturers (and How to Fix Them)

Manufacturers often experience pain points as they navigate operations. There are many concerns and challenges that are experienced by people working in manufacturing. What can be done to alleviate these struggles? MAGNET recently interviewed 33 Northeast Ohio manufacturers about their pain points and unmet needs. Gina Tabasso of MAGNET in Ohio led a discussion for USA Manufacturing Hour Chat on Twitter and shared the top 6 points from those interviews with chat participants.

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Will Automation Take Away Jobs?

Automation is constantly progressing in many industries and especially in the manufacturing industry. Adopting automation has changed the way the world works by making difficult or repetitive tasks easier and more efficient. Many agree that it has changed the world for the better. However, automation sometimes gets a bad reputation. There is a prevailing school of thought that believes automation will eventually take away employment within the manufacturing industry. It’s a layered concept to consider and it isn't a simple issue. In fact there are actually many aspects to the concept of automation taking away jobs. Let's explore some aspects of automation in manufacturing.

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The Next Generation of Manufacturers at Work

To pique the interest of a new generation of talent and to continue to attract customers, manufacturers must think differently about how to showcase their businesses. Things like joining manufacturing associations and getting ISO certified can help manufacturing operations put their best foot forward. Adopting automation and exploring ways to navigate the new supply chain normal will also go a long way to keeping manufacturing operations fresh and current. Anything manufacturers can do to encourage the next generation of manufacturers to get interested and involved should be explored.

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Tips for Manufacturing Day

Manufacturing Day is a celebration of all things manufacturing.  It is a way to highlight what your companies do to spread the word to your community, potential customers, and the next generation workforce.

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Blogging for Sales and Brand Awareness

When it comes to building sales and brand awareness, blogging is a great way to strengthen and promote a brand as well as drive sales and increase website traffic. Neil Hussey of Denco Lubrication Ltd in the UK led a discussion for USA Manufacturing Hour Chat on Twitter about the benefits of blogging for businesses.

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Choosing the Right Quality Certification in Manufacturing

In the manufacturing industry, quality certifications can help drive a company to success. These certifications give a company reputability for manufacturing standards. Quality certifications matter in manufacturing both to the company and the customer. From a company standpoint, certifications help with quality and service, annual and independent audits, review and testing capabilities, reliability of production and delivery, safety, and error minimization. In short, it forces the company to stay in line with operational and quality standards. It is easy to see how manufacturing certifications are beneficial to a customer. With a certification, a customer can easily rely on the fact that a certified company is trustworthy and keeping up with industry standards.

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