They Are Not Invisible

We’ve all felt it. That feeling you get when you’re being ignored. The same feeling that creeps in when someone bumps into you without realizing you’re there, or that abrupt end to your thought process that comes when someone talks over you. It’s that empty, lonely feeling that makes you feel like the only person in the world. It makes you question your self worth. It’s a powerful feeling and it can make you feel invisible.

Why do we do this to each other? We are so caught up in our own worlds that it’s easy to forget the people around us. The way we live today doesn’t help either. We live in an age where distractions live in our pockets. The noise and the visuals never cease. Despite this techno-assault, we are expected to tune that out and connect with others. We have too much vying for our attention every minute of every day? How is that possible?

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I Give You Permission to Fail

Today’s fast-paced world is a minefield of potential failure. People in all walks of life have a great fear of failure.  If I don’t do this correctly what will I lose? What will happen to me? Will my failure define me?”

Failure is defined as an omission of occurrence or performance. It is falling short of expectations or not being able to perform a duty or expected action. That’s the simple definition. Yet it can mean so much more.




“There is no such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.” -Oprah Winfrey


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Four Supply Chain Challenges and Solutions

A supply chain is a network of individuals, businesses, organizations, resources, activities and technology involved in the creation and sale of a product from inception through to delivery to end users. Supply chain management is the oversight of all resources that go into the supply chain process.

Within supply chains there are many challenges that emerge. These challenges vary from organization to organization but there are some common opportunities that many different industries may experience.  With some adjustments and focus, many of the common challenges can become manageable aspects of the supply chain.

Here are some common supply chain challenges that arise within a manufacturing and distribution environment:


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Four Industrial Robot Implementation Challenges for Manufacturers

Implementing industrial robots in a manufacturing setting isn't as simple as buying the robot and plugging it in. There are many different financial and logistical considerations to take into account before a robot can productively automate anything. While industrial robots may serve a wide variety of purposes, the challenges manufacturers face when implementing them are relatively similar.

Understanding the common challenges that manufacturers experience when investing in robotics can help you prepare for the day when you invest in new robotic automation equipment.

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When Metrics Matter and When They Don’t…

We live in a data-driven world.  Volumes of information are accessible with the push of a button or the touch of a screen. Supercomputers exponentially more powerful than those used to put man on the moon sit casually in our pockets.  We are incredibly lucky to live in an era where the concept of advanced statistics isn't walled behind the ivory towers of institution but can be readily digested and interpreted by anyone who's willing to look hard enough.

With the amount of data available to digest and the abundance of user-friendly tools that can be used to quickly process that data, a business can generate metrics for nearly every potential process output.  On the surface, this is an enormous boon for managers, as they should be able to tell exactly what their teams are doing and how efficiently it's being done.

But that data doesn't always tell the whole story, or even the right story at all. What if all that data is doing us a disservice? What if the data we've come to rely on and, in some cases, take for granted, is harming our decision-making abilities. When do metrics matter?  And, more importantly, when don't they?

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Five Reasons to Use Modular Design Enclosures


When choosing a cabinet to house controls or other equipment, users have two fundamental choices: a unibody (unitary) design, which is formed by folding and welding sheet metal into a suitable shape; and a modular design, where the basic structure is created by an internal frame with an external skin attached to it. While there might not be a major difference on the surface, differences may favor modular enclosures for plant-floor operations. Five benefits are highlighted.

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Three Ways Remote Technology Is Transforming Maintenance

Remote technology is a growing industry. According to the New York Times, 43 percent of Americans reported in 2016 that they worked remotely for at least part of their workweek. AfterCollege also reported that 68 percent of college graduates surveyed in 2015 said that remote work is one of the most attractive perks that a company could offer. But remote work is not just for people; the concept is changing how maintenance operates, as well. Remote technology can keep workers safer while also saving companies money.

Here are three ways that remote technology is changing the landscape of maintenance operations.

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Five Tips for Improving Warehouse Productivity

Improving warehouse productivity can feel like a daunting task. There are so many moving parts within a warehouse operation that it may seem impossible to align everyone’s priorities for the good of the operation. But making improvements can provide big returns. We’ve chosen five basic tips to help streamline and improve your warehouse’s productivity. 

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Wandering Around Can Make You A Better Manager

Yes, you read that right.  Wandering around can make you a better manager.  In today's fast-paced, corporate environment, it can be difficult to peel ourselves away from the daily grind of emails, problems, and reports that keep us chained to our desks and out of sight.  We can become so bogged down with the responsibilities that come with being a manager, that it’s easy to forget our biggest responsibility:  Managing.

Managing doesn’t just stop at enforcing company policies and procedures or driving production.  Managing is spending time with your employees.  It’s embedding yourself with your teams, asking questions, and ultimately driving change through their feedback.  No manager knows everything. They can’t.  

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Five Things to Consider When Choosing An Electronics Repair Company

There are many important things to consider when choosing an electronics repair company to work with. The right repair company for your business can ensure that your repair process is efficient and seamless. Keeping your business up and running can be a matter of choosing the right company to handle your repairs.  There’s a few key points to consider when deciding which company to choose as your repair provider.




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