What is a Signal Converter?

What is a Signal Converter?

A signal converter is a device that converts signals from sensors to industrial current signals, converts analog input signals to analog output signals, normalize signals, or isolates signals. There are multiple types of signal converters; Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), digital-to-analog converters (DACs), frequency converters or translators, voltage converters, frequency-to-voltage converters, voltage-to-frequency converters, current-to-voltage converters, current loop converters, charge converters.

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Optimizing with Automation

Companies today see the potential that exists with automation. When looking towards the optimization of a facility, it is imperative to plan and understand the needs of the operation. Depending on each given business, different automated applications will be best-suited for each respective operation.

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Upcoming Trends in Automation: Looking Towards the Future


In today’s society there aren’t many places to go to escape technology. It is a never-ending evolution. The sooner technology is embraced, the sooner it will benefit the world. This is evident in how technological advancements have changed businesses operations.


With technology comes digitalization and with digitalization comes the ability to convert information into digital form. This ability has allowed businesses to increase efficiency, reduce operational cost, and eliminate human error. One example of a benefit is businesses can now keep important information on digital files instead of paper files. A computer with named files neatly organized to a specific format allows easier access compared to opening a file cabinet and shuffling through hundreds of manila folders.

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What is Logistics Automation?

Automation has become increasingly relied upon and is reshaping the way industries operate.  Currently, with the emergence of self-sufficient machinery, automation has impacted both efficiency and reliability for the better. Logistics automation is an emerging sector that is being highly focused on. Essentially, logistics is a comprehensive framework that manages complex systems in a seamless operation. This type of automation aids logics processes through computer software and other automated applications.  

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The Difference Between Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Hydraulics and pneumatics are often grouped together.  However, each offers its own distinctive features. When selecting which application to use, it is critical to understand the differences between each system to find the best match. In simple terms, pneumatic systems use the energy collected from air or gas to transmit power. Hydraulics is fluid power that retrieves its power from pressurized liquids.

Each of these power systems is valuable in particular ways. The main difference between pneumatics and hydraulics is the medium used to produce power. Hydraulics use waters, oils, and other liquid for its power generation. Pneumatics uses air or other gases in its operations to transmit power. These two systems, while very different, do share some common links. They both are relied upon for power for otherwise different

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Hydraulics: Ancient Rome to Today

Hydraulics has played a significant role in creating valuable devices throughout history. The power generated from water has been improving industrial performances and creating useful systems. Find out more about how hydraulics work here. Let’s take a look at hydraulics from Ancient Rome through the modern era.

Romans and Hydraulics

The Bramah Press was one of the first devices to be powered by hydraulics. This system allows for a pressurized fluid to power a given machine through science and engineering.

Hydraulics have been around since the Egyptians and the Babylonians. However, the critical development and science behind the law of fluid motions started with the Greeks and was implemented by the Romans. Ancient Rome is known for its use and development of various hydraulic applications during its beginnings. An array of different hydraulic practices were manufactured in its infancy

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Is Additive Manufacturing Right For Your Operation?

As technology is changing and advancing, there are an array of new manufacturing processes that can elevate operations. Additive manufacturing is completely changing these traditional practices while also saving time and money in the process. Read on to find out if additive manufacturing is right for your operation.

What is Additive Manufacturing?

Additive manufacturing (AM), also referred to as 3D printing, is a process that takes a digital design and creates a tangible object. CAD (computer-aided design) software is used to create a given design where that digital file is uploaded into an additive machine. This machine is then able to produce an object layer by layer with the use of heat lasers or electron beams. Learn more about additive manufacturing here.

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Happy 35th Work Anniversary, Mark King


It was October 1st of 1984.

Prince Harry had just been born. MTV held their first Video Music Awards. “Lets Go Crazy” by Prince was playing on every radio station. And a young man named Mark King started a new job at a small industrial repair company called Speck Industrial Controls. That company was the beginning of what has become Radwell International today. On October 1st, 2019, Mark has been employed at Radwell International for 35 years. Brian Radwell, the company President and Owner, is the longest tenured employee at Radwell. Out of almost 1,000 employees, Mark King has the next longest tenure as a Radwell employee.

We sat down with Mark to hear his story and to look back at the early days of Radwell International.

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The Evolution of the Servo Motor

Servo motors allow for accurate control and precision inside a closed-loop circuit. These motors aren’t necessarily a specific type of motor but rather a combination of certain parts. These devices have been cultivated and improved since the 1800s and have been used in a multitude of different applications. Learn more about what a Servo Motor is here.

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The History and Evolution of the Printed Circuit Board

The printed circuit board was introduced to us nearly 90 years ago, and along the way, it has seen massive improvements. As technology has progressed and evolved, these boards have continued to become more sophisticated. A printed circuit board or a PCB connects electrical components by conductive paths or tracks that have been printed or etched on the board.  Check out more about What a Printed Circuit Board Is and what it is used for here.

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